Anglo-Saxons Today

A way of life.

A way of life,  losing it's way?

It may be that the people of England have lost there way, as some might say. We certainly have since the creation of the British Union.  We have been suffocated by this false idea of British-ness. Certainly since New Labour came to power. What a lot of people don't know is that Scotland had always been a "special case" in Britain. When laws were passed, a majority only affected England and Wales, and not Scotland. As time went on this sense of being British took off, and the English people were subdued, and their English identity was being lost under the sense of British-ness. The Welsh still had their language as well as English, and they still had their own traditions. Now both Scotland and Wales have their own governing bodies, and traffic signs with English at the top and Welsh or Scottish underneath or perhaps the other way round. Yet now when we say were English, our detractors call us homophobes, little Englanders. When we show pride in our country by flying the St. George's flag we are told no, we might offend someone. We are often told that others are better than we, better way of life, cleaner streets. It is often intimated that we should adopt the cultures of others. That we should accept the greatest lie of all, Multiculturalism.  A lie perpetrated by a Government hell bent on undermining British life, and English life in particular, and used by local government to cover up the fact that they never intended to integrate newcomers into English society. As a result, the English people have lost there way, some not thinking themselves English, but British. Maybe it is time for a change.

At a crossroad.

There are four ways to go. We go can backwards, not necessarily a good thing, although it has it's advantages if you don't go back to far. Go left and be totally immersed in the nonsense of multiculturalism that will only serve to destroy England. That's for traitors or lazy people. Go right and try to hold out as English people fighting for our right to be who we are in our own country, and get slapped down every time we do. Or we go straight on being who we are, but changing things to become who we should have been all along. Modern Anglo-Saxon English. 

MASE the way forward.

Modern Anglo-Saxon English (MASE) life is going to be a combination of day to day living as we do now, with many of the good things we can glean from our EASE ancestors. I hope in this web page I can show how this can happen.


History tells us that the EASE believed in what is termed heathen gods (gods not of the Christian faith). Wotan, Thunor etc., and that much of the initial EASE life was centered around this religion. In fact many of the words and poems are related to this. Even when Christianity came to the EASE, many of the elements of the original religion remained, even up to the moment of invasion in 1066. What I say is this. For those who wish to follow the heathen way fine, do so in peace, it is your right. For those who wish to follow the Christian way, again do so in peace. But for the sake of Anglo-Saxon revival, treat each other as equals and respect each others religion and your right to believe in the religion of your choice. Respect the other religions in the world today, but not to the extent that they should overshadow the MASE way of life.


The EASE language that we should learn today should be one that is expanded to use new words created, or combined from originals to make new words as well as using some modern English words as well, to create the new MASE language that can be used today, so that much of the modern things in life can be spoken of without having to refer to the modern Queens English to often. It should be standardized the length and breadth of England so that everyone learns the same thing. It is, along with religion, part of the ingredients, that glue a community together.

Measurements and Money.

What many people might not know, is that the inch is an EASE invention (spelt "ynce".)  It was devised by putting 3 barlecorns together and from them came many of the Imperial measurements we use today for distance, area, weight and volume. An ounce is equal to one barleycorn, a fluid ounce of water is an ounce of water. So you see the Imperial measurements we were so used to before metrication is in fact a legacy from our EASE forefathers. So ditch metrication and keep our tried and tested Imperial measurements. Although I suppose we will have to keep a conversion chart hanging on the wall to make things compatible with the modern world. Just use the imperial measurements where you don't have to refer to the conversion chart. Me, I usually think in feet and inches, pints, acres and square miles anyway, unless I'm forced to use millimeters, centimeters, milliliters, etc.

Money is something that is so important in life, that you would think it would be impossible to go Anglo-Saxon money wise. Well your wrong. The penny is an EASE invention as well, so wether we stayed with pounds, shillings and pence, or embraced decimalization, it wouldn't matter, we would still be using pennies anyway. So when the vote comes, (as I'm sure it will,) to change to the Euro or fully join the EU which means the same thing. Just say no to both.

Years, months, days and telling the time.

The EASE did not tell the time as precisely as we do today as indicated elsewhere in this website, but it is not as difficult to tell the time the EASE way as we might think. I have already converted a clock to EASE timekeeping.

My MASE clock.

This used to be one of those daft car wheel clocks, with spokes and a disc brake in the way. Now it tells EASE time today. The EASE day was divided into 8 parts, three hours per part of day. This equals twenty four hours. These parts of day had names. From Midniht to midday for the first half of the day, they are; Midniht, Uht, Morgen, and Undern. All indicated on the outer circle in line with the numbers. From noon to midniht for the second part of the day,  they are; Middaeg, Gelotendaeg, Æfen, and lastly, Niht. These are indicated in the inner disk.

Just so as you know, the time is a quater to Gelotendaeg.

The good thing about this is that you can still tell the time as we do today. It says a quarter to 3 in the afternoon.

 With the months and week days already set as shown by the calendar examples I have given in the Timekeeping web page we are almost set except for one thing. The seasons of the year are currently Winter, Spring, Summer and Autumn. These are all well and good but they have some inaccuracy in them. There are only two seasons in the EASE year and that is summer and winter. Winter is from Winterfylleth (October) to Hrethmonath (March), and summer is from Eostremonath (April) to Haliemonath (September).

These four aspects of EASE life I have shown, can be more easily adopted by the modern English person than at first thought. Like anything else it's down to learning, application and practice and the determination to succeed. 

The trappings of life.

Ornamentation, clothing, jewellery, clocks, watches, calendars and more are the trappings of life. I've gone through how we can live the EASE way of life and how we can bring that way of life into the reality of today. The look is now the thing to discuss. How can we display our way of life? It all comes down to how we look to others, the way we act in day to day life, as well as how we dress, the music we listen to, the traditional English recipes, and many many other things. It's about being who you are or what you want to be and not caring who knows. Something as simple as the old fashioned weighing scales with individual weights in pounds and ounces, for the kitchen, measuring things in inches not centimeters. Furniture made with EASE style carvings, rugs with EASE patterns. Belt buckles, tie pins, we might be able to bring back the use of the cloak (with hood) with the well made clasps or broaches. There is a whole host of things that we can create and use in the modern world today and people will say, there's a MASE, a modern Anglo-Saxon Englishmen, without laughing or derision. The good thing is that there are many things that can already be bought and used today if you look carefully. In my local Photographers and Jewellers, I found a tankard with imagery very similar to EASE imagery as well as clocks that could be used by the MASE.

How do we conduct ourselves in day to day life.

This is a tricky one. We only know how the EASE conducted themselves by way of story and poems. Yet there may be no exact way of knowing how the EASE lived but we can make a good guess. (More to come.)

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